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Rich Wilkerson, Jr. — Friend Of Sinners: More Than Pants

In this video

Have you ever over-estimated someone? Many times in life, people fall short of our expectations, leaving us disappointed, and even jaded. When people let us down, our natural tendency is to start under-estimating people, and expecting less from them. As we continue our collection of talks, Friend of Sinners, Pastor Rich Wilkerson Jr. teaches us how to perceive Jesus in a sermon titled, “More Than Pants.” Our perception of people tends to dictate how we receive from them, and if we don’t perceive Jesus as Lord, we don’t experience the fullness of our relationship with Him. The gospel message is one of grace, and it’s important to remember that Jesus is not just a supplement to our daily lives, He’s our savior. Whatever need we have, Jesus is the answer.

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