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Kerry Shook: The Doorway to Lasting Change

In this video

Stop to take time to look at your life as if it were at house. At the moment of salvation, Christ comes to live in your house and begins to remodel it from the inside out. It is easy to focus on the exterior of our lives because that’s what everyone else sees, forgetting about the inside – which is the most important part.

Consider the story that Jesus tells the Pharisees, the religious leaders who were obsessed with what lives on the outside. They looked really good on their outside, as if they had it all together, they were successful, and happy.

But the inside? Not so good.

Jesus tells them a story, hoping for a Soul Remodel.

This story is meant to shake us from our comfortable slumber and wake us up to what the Divine Designer wants to do on the inside of your life. He wants to create an amazing interior that changes everything.

It all comes down to relationships: your relationship with God and your relationship with people around you.

Luke 16:19-31

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