Priscilla Shirer46 Videos

Going Beyond Ministries with Priscilla Shirer – The Multitude

First Baptist Church of Glenarden 2017
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Hope Beyond Fibroids | The Chat with Priscilla (Part One)

According to the Center for Disease Control*, over 7.4 million women have received treatments for infertility. However, many women suffer in silence. Gessie Thompson knows firsthand how painful it is to desire children but not be able to conceive. Gessie personally battled fibroids for 14 years, underwent five fibroid surgeries, five IVF cycles, and a […]

Hope Heals | The Chat with Priscilla (Part Two)

In 2008, 26 yr old model, Katherine Wolf’s, life almost ended after suffering a massive brainstem stroke while her 6 month old son, James, was asleep in the next room. After a 16 hour surgery, she awoke unable to swallow, walk, speak, or see clearly and the chances of survival or recovery seemed impossible; However, […]
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