David Rives68 Videos

Disease: How germs spread and what the Bible says | David Rives

How does disease spread? For centuries we believed that disease traveled through poisonous air. The Miasma theory was very popular until the 18th century. Could the Bible have had the answers all along? Give us a thumbs-up if you want to be able to hate more content like this! To visit our website click here: […]

The Incredible Design of the Giraffe | David Rives

The stately Giraffe has a 25 pound heart and unique circulatory system. SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY Haters beware: The information contained in this video doesn’t fit the atheistic belief system. Give us a thumbs-up if you want to be able to hate more content like this! https://davidrives.com for more information Twitter @TheDavidRives
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The Origin of Space, Time, and Matter | David Rives

The Big Bang Theory tries to explain how the universe could form time and space. But it doesn’t address where the matter came from. But the Bible addresses this in one single verse, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. Watch to learn more. To visit our website click here: https://davidrivesministries.org/ To […]

Human Population Problem | David Rives

Why should you believe in creation, and not evolution? I mean, scientifically speaking. Haven’t we proven that evolution is a fact? Over one million years ago modern humans arrived on the planet, or so the evolutionary story goes. Now have you ever wondered where all the people are if humans have been around for over […]

Polystrate Trees | Upright Trees Are Evidence of Catastrophe | David Rives

Recently, while researching examples of flood geology, I heard about a particular fossilized tree in northern TN. After several weeks of trying to track it down, I was finally able to visit the site. The side of a mountain had been blasted away to uncover a coal seam, and what was discovered there was a […]

Body Codes – Throne Rooms Walking | Dr. Chuck Thurston and David Rives | The Human Heart

ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY: https://creationsuperstore.com/product/body-codes-dvd-dr-chuck-thurston-2/ OR ORDER THE COMPLETE “BODY CODES” TRILOGY HERE: https://creationsuperstore.com/product/body-codes-trilogy-dvd-set/ As seen on TV, these DVDs have aired on GSN – Genesis Science Network. This content was also the basis for several episodes of “Creation in the 21st Century with David Rives” on TBN. In this awe-inspiring DVD, Dr Thurston delivers […]

The Majestic Cheetah | David Rives

Genetic inbreeding has not drastically altered the fastest land animal – The Cheetah SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS EVERY TUESDAY Haters beware: The information contained in this video doesn’t fit the atheistic belief system. Give us a thumbs-up if you want to be able to hate more content like this! https://davidrives.com for more information Twitter @TheDavidRives

Exposing Creationist Misinformation – David Rives And Dinosaurs

David Rives, of David Rives Ministries, gets almost everything wrong a video he produced to explain how dinosaurs lived with man. For more information on David Rives and other creationism salesmen, visit creationsciencefiction.com

Why Is The Sky Blue? | David Rives

Have you ever looked up at an almost cloudless blue sky and wondered at the expanse above you? The air around us is transparent—so invisible it’s easy to forget it’s even there—but somehow in the sunshine it turns blue. What’s going on? And, why blue? Physics gives us some fascinating answers! If we were standing […]
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