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Podcast: Mastering the Rules of Evidence, with J. Warner Wallace

In this video

How do you build a case—based on evidence—for the existence of God? On today’s BreakPoint podcast, cold-case detective J. Warner Wallace shares what he learned in his years of solving crimes and how it applies to making the case for God. What is evidence in the first place? His definition may surprise you. What’s the difference between “possible” and “reasonable”? What role does common sense play? And why is developing what he calls a “cumulative case” such a powerful way to present evidence for God’s existence?

Today we present J. Warner Wallace, with his presentation entitled, “Mastering the Rules of Evidence.”

And did you know that J. Warner Wallace is just one of several top-flight Christian worldview instructors in our Colson Fellows Program? Every year more than 100 Christians committed to deepening their worldview and preparing themselves to make a difference in their sphere of influence join this intensive 10-month program.

The Colson Fellows Program involves studying the Christian classics, participating in online webinars, attending 3 residencies, and developing—with the help of your fellow participants and our Colson Fellows staff—a concrete plan for putting what you learn into action.

Interested? Come to ColsonFellows.org. We’re taking applications right now.

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