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Kennedy Classics: If The Lord Be God, Follow Him – Dr. D. James Kennedy

In this video

Sermon Description:
There is no middle ground between the true God of the Bible and the false gods of our own making. It's extremely dangerous to dabble in the modern religion of the “isms,” whether it be secularism, atheism, evolutionism, or materialism. One of the most dangerous “isms” is statism–the notion that the government ought to regulate every area of life and provide for every need. Yet today in America, state control is increasing wildly.

Feature Description:
This year, the government takeover of health care is set to take full effect–though the legal challenges continue. In a nation where the government largely refuses to acknowledge the true God anymore, the intrinsic value of human life is diminished. If the official philosophy is that we all evolved accidentally by a blind process, the image of God is no longer recognized in humans. Combine government control with limited health care resources, and there's reason for intense concern. When the sanctity of human life is undermined, there can be drastic consequences. When the leaders of a nation sever themselves from biblical truth there's nothing left to protect the weak from the powerful.

Guest List:
Wesley J. Smith, author, Culture of Death
Richard Weikart, author, From Darwin to Hitler

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