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ep. 83 – Clever and Sneaky Snakes

In this video

For a gift of $58 or more, Katie will send you THE SERPENT AND THE SOUL combo offer: https://shop.expectedendministries.org/product/the-serpent-and-soul-fire-soak-combo/

Did you know Jesus called the religious leaders of His day a “Brood of vipers?” These were the ones who studied the Bible and taught the people about God, yet they had become so consumed by the rules and doctrines of their faith that they ignored the author of their faith: GOD! They had become so blind by the religious spirit that they couldn’t even recognize the Messiah right before their very eyes. It was JESUS!

There is hardly a more dangerous spirit than the sneaky snake spirit of religion. It is a master of hiding in plain sight and it tries to appear as good and holy, but nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s get rid of this spirit in our lives together.

For more information on Katie Souza Ministries go to:

For a description of the product: SERPENT AND THE SOUL (link below)

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