Paul Kendall24 Videos

Breaking Free from Habitual Sin

Why do some Christians continue to sin? Paul Kendall uses the story of The Woman at the Well (John 4) to teach Christians how to, once and for all, break free from habitual sin.

Cancer Healing Testimony

Paul Kendall shares his testimony of being healed of colon cancer

CFC: Discovering Your Purpose

God isn’t waiting to see what you become – He’s already decided it!
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CFC: Getting to Know Jesus Part 2: Jesus The Forgiver

How good are you at forgiving others? What IS forgiveness anyway? And what is it NOT? Why do so many people have such a difficult time with it? How does unforgiveness affect you personally? What does God expect of us when it comes to forgiveness? And does God always forgive you? These questions and more […]

CFC: Getting to Know Jesus Part 3: Jesus The Healer

The word “healing” usually brings to mind something physical. But there’s more to you than your physical body and Jesus wants you to be whole; mentally, emotionally, psychologically, relationally, and spiritually. Jesus is your healer!

CFC: Getting to Know Jesus Part 4: Jesus The King

In our modern-day, western civilization, we do not understand the concept of having a “KING”. But the Bible is a book about a King and a KINGDOM … a kingdom you, as a Christian, will spend eternity living in. Shouldn’t you know something about Jesus The King? This message is dedicated to the late Dr. […]

CFC: Mother’s Day – Jessica Clark

What do you do when God doesn’t answer your prayers? As a Mom to a medically challenged infant that spent her first 6 months in the NicU, Jessica Clark shares a perspective of mothering that few women know. This is one Mother’s Day message you don’t want to miss!

CFC: Pastor Zal Maldonado: This is How

God’s Word not only instructs us WHAT to do, it tells us HOW to do it. This insightful message by Pastor Zal will help you understand how to live the Christian life.

CFC: Perspectives of Christmas

This original Christmas Musical is unlike any other. Listen as the story is told by the people who were there. Hear the Shepherds proclaim Jesus birth; laugh as the Inn Keeper laments over that chaotic night, and rejoice with those who were first to see the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; Jesus!

CFC: Principles for Parenting Part 1

“Principles for Parenting” A new series teaching biblical principles for parenting godly children. This series includes principles for every area of life and applies to everyone; even people without children.
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