Andy Stanley25 Videos

Bystander, Part 1: Momma Says // Andy Stanley

The first of Jesus’ miracles that John documents is when Jesus–with a nudge from his mother—attended a wedding and turned water into wine. It was the first sign of many that gives evidence of who Jesus is.

Born To Run // Andy Stanley

Discontentment fueled by comparison is dangerous. There’s always going to be someone who is smarter, prettier, richer, or funnier. You can’t compare or compete your way to peace. So how do you keep your discontentment from controlling you?

Bystander, Part 4: Lunch and Learn // Andy Stanley

Perhaps one of the most famous signs performed by Jesus is feeding over 5000+ people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Those that followed Jesus thought he was finally getting to the point of what he could do for them. They were more enamored with the signs instead of what the signs were […]
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Bystander, Part 3: Carry On! // Andy Stanley

Just outside of Jerusalem, Jesus performed a miracle that changed a man’s life forever. For 38 years, this man was unable to walk. But when Jesus said, “Get up,” the man was healed. However, it’s what Jesus said next that made this miracle a clear sign of who Jesus really was.

Winning // Andy Stanley

We all want to win. After all, winning is better than not winning. In a game a win is defined, but life is not a game. And winning in the most important areas of our lives isn’t always clear. So, how do we win?

Bystander, Part 2: Living As If // Andy Stanley

In order to demonstrate who he was, Jesus performed a number of miracles—which the apostle John referred to as “signs.” The first of those signs was at a joyous occasion where Jesus turned water into wine. The second sign was in the midst of a heartbreaking circumstance in which a father desperately asks Jesus to […]

Inconceivable // Andy Stanley

The Church is remarkable. And against all odds, it changed the world. There is still a great deal that needs changing. By God’s grace and with your help, perhaps we can be a small part of bringing about that change.

Andy Stanley / WEB EXCLUSIVE

In this web exclusive, Andy Stanley shares a story with Maggie John about a surprising question he received that sparks a lot of thinking about American faith.

Your Assumption is Showing – Andy Stanley

Rev. Andy Stanley challenges believers to tether their faith to the resurrection event that sparked the church movement that brought about the Bible. Comments: Your Assumption is Showing Request Info: Support DTS:

Money Talks, Part 1: I Mean Well // Andy Stanley

If our money could talk what would it tell us? You might be shocked to find that what our money would say is pretty close to what Jesus did say – and what we should still consider today.
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